After completing your undergraduate and graduate studies, doing a doctorate is one possible next step. Before beginning a doctorate, however, you should clarify whether pursuing this path is the right choice.

If so, you have to find out which of the following options is best suited to your personal needs:

Free Doctorate

Doing a free doctorate is the most classical format of pursuing a doctorate and allows for a lot of individual freedom.

Structured Doctoral Program

Doctoral programs are structured teaching and research programs, which consist of a combination of a free doctorate and additional compulsory educational modules.

For example, there are the following structured doctoral programs:

  • Graduate schools, in which the faculty participates,
  • Doctoral programs conducted by the research centers of the faculty,
  • Other doctoral programs which are recognized by the faculty.

Aims of a Doctorate

A successful doctorate at our faculty are the following aim:

  • To enlarge the current understanding by doing innovative and high-quality work.
  • To develop the skills to research in a substantial and integer way.
  • To systematically comprehend a subject matter and to master one’s methods.
  • To be able to analyse and synthesise new and complex ideas critically.
  • To develop the competency to contribute to methodological, social, or cultural developments within the academic context.
  • To fulfill national and international publication standards.

Sources: Article 2, “Promotionsreglement” of the faculty of humanities of the University of Bern.