History of the Institute

Philosophisches Institut am Falkenplatz 16

Philosophy has been taught in Bern since the foundation of the 'Hohe Schule' in 1528. However, it was not until the founding of the University in 1834 and the formation of the Philosophical Seminar in 1891 that the subject received a significant status upgrade.

Anna Tumarkin

From 1909 to 1943, Anna Tumarkin, a reputable professor, was employed at the seminar. Being the first female lecturer at the University of Bern, she taught and conducted her research as a professor, especially in the field of aesthetics and history of philosophy.

In 1979 the seminar was renamed the Institute of Philosophy. Despite originally being divided into two divisions Systematology, Social and Cultural Philosophy, and History of Philosophy, Analytical Philosophy, and Philosophy of Science, the Institute of Philosophy today is divided into three divisions.

Source: “Hochschulgeschichte Berns 1528-1884”, edited by the “Kommission für bernische Hochschulgeschichte”, University of Bern 1984.