Dr. Jorge Torres De La Cerda

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (SNSF)

Project: "Green Antiquity: Sino-Hellenic Environmental Philosophy"

S 201, Lerchenweg 36
Postal Address
Universität Bern
Institut für Philosophie
Länggassstrasse 49a
3012 Bern


Torres, Jorge (2020). "The Analogies of Justice and Health in Republic IV" Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 102, no. 4 (forthcoming).

Torres, Jorge (2020). "Plato's Medicalisation of Ethics", Apeiron: A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 53, no. 3 (forthcoming).

Torres, Jorge (2020)."Madness and vice in Plato’s Republic", British Journal for the History of Philosophy: 1-21 (forthcoming).

Torres, Jorge (2020). "Plato on the Value of Health", Ancient Philosophy (forthcoming).